Wednesday, 10 May 2017

How Do You Build Trust

In today’s world trust is almost a swear word. How many times do you come across someone that says “Trust Me, ” and you don’t know them? How often does Donald Trump say “Believe Me”? Trust is something that’s earned, and a not a phrase that comes out of your mouth because it’s convenient. Trust is reciprocal; you are more likely to trust someone who already trusts you. Below are a few behaviors to help you build trust.
1.      Honest – Say what mean and mean what you say. When they ask you a question, and you do not know the answer, admit it, and get back to them. Nothing hurts your credibility more than being caught in a lie. You will never gain that person’s trust again, and you have no control over who they tell.
2.      Listen – People are more likely trust people that listen to them than preaching at them. When you’re in a conversation, let them finish before you make your point. Interrupting someone while their talking is very rude.
3.      Get to Know Them Better – Take time to get to know your client or colleague. Go out for a non-work discussion lunch. Ask open-ended questions to get them talking. This is a great first step to building a strong personal relationship.
4.      Credibility - Have an updated LinkedIn profile with written recommendations. Like and share articles relevant to your industry. Post or blog your thoughts on topics, but keep it positive. Never post negative news or thoughts. 
5.      Integrity – Stick to what you believe in. Don’t do anything during the day that will keep you up at night.
6.      Positivity – Always come into their office or a meeting with a big smile on your face. Smiling is the simplest form of communication and will set the tone for your meeting.
7.      Unselfishness – There might be a situation where you cannot solve their problem, but you know someone who can. Pass on their info to them because looking out for their best interests goes a long way building trust.
8.      Follow Up – If you say you’re going to do something, then do it. Once you get the information to them, follow up. Even if you do not get the business ask if you can stay in touch.
9.      Stay in Touch – They might not need anything from you now but could in the future. Always ask if you can contact them again and if they would like to receive informative emails about topics pertinent to the industry or your company.
These are just a few points that are important to building a trusting relationship.

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